Sunday, June 14, 2009

And so it begins...

I sometimes am more of a doer than a sayer, so I will put this in writing: I am going to bust my company for withholding payment from all us temps. Met with an HR person Friday (thanks for the intro Peter!) who said all sorts of lines were being crossed as far as my employee status/situation goes and I have a strong case to present to the California labor board. I am going for it!

Tomorrow I will ask our HR person to define my employment (am I a temporary employee, freelancer, independent contractor?). With that info, I go to the labor dept. and break down what has been happening to me at the company. Why even though I am treated like a temporary employee (have a desk, set hours, etc.), I am treated like an independent contractor (paid with 1099, no benefits, etc.) Most importantly, I will detail the fact that the company is withholding paychecks from me because of some rule I was only told about two weeks ago.

This might turn into something big or nothing at all but I will keep tabs here.

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