Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happiness is fitting into my size 4 slacks

I wore the size 4 pants that hadn't fit me in years for the second time today. Joy!

The first time they fit again, I thought is was a fluke, but today confirmed, I am not busting out of them.

I purchased these black slacks back in 2008 almost at the end of my South American/Mexico travels. I had contemplated buying a six 6 then but my aunt Hedy told me the 4's looked better. They did then but it's been years since that happened again.

I give my husband Chris all the credit for this. He is a good influence. He LIKES eating healthy. I think this is unusual, as I tend to hear about the male spouse with the appetite for delicious, fattening food. And Chris is a runner, a slim guy naturally. This motivates me to exercise at least half the time he does. A fly on the wall would have a good laugh, if they had a sense of humor, watching me watch Chris do his nightly "sits and pushes" (sit-ups and push-ups) while I nosh on something. Yes, I WATCH him do it without the slightest bit of guilt. I know if I did this every night I'd have great abs too but that's not what motivates me: fitting into my clothes without the washboard is fine by me.

We had a housewarming party Sunday filled with fried, delicious snacks. Who's the one who can't stop eating the leftover queso? Me! Velveeta is just as tasty hot as it is sitting in a crockpot for a day or so. Who would have known?

That said, I need to get rid of our leftovers stat. I kinda have an issue with overdoing it. Better not to have sweets, junk around. I ate a lot of the cake I made for Chris on Valentine's Day. We also have half a carrot cake left from Sunday and I love carrot cake. Had it for breakfast on Monday.

When I am feeling lazy, like this morning, I just think of my pants and that gets me out of bed and running. Running is tough and grueling, and I'm slow, but it keeps the calories off and the pants on.

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