Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Engaged Daily -- Dec. 29, 2009

I came home from work yesterday to find out that my sisters and mothers had gone through a preliminary guest list for me. It wasn't on paper, but everytime I mentioned someone, one of them said, "Yep, we thought of them."

Chris and I haven't discussed it but I am pretty sure that our wedding will be smaller than larger. This gets tricky with so many cousins on my end but after a preliminary count, my side will be 80 people. The breakdown is about 30 relatives, 12 friends of the family, and 30+ friends.

The only person from my dad's side of the family will be his sister and whoever drives her to the wedding. The only person from my maternal grandfather's side of the family will be my cousin Goyo, whom I lived with for a month in Guadalajara in 2008. The rest are my aunts, their kids and spouses, my maternal grandmother's brother and his guest/my cousin, and my cousin Diane's family. I hope my dad isn't offended by the lack of representation of his side of the family but he knows I'm closer to my mom's side.

Thinking of friends to invite was pretty clear. There are my go-to gal pals, a couple of junior high and high school friends, a few former co-workers, anyone whose wedding I've been in or attended in the last five years, and basically, the people I call and talk to most. As I've gotten older I've realized that there are fewer people I call with my problems or good news. Basically, if I wouldn't call them when I'm down they're not on the list.

I told the last of my co-workers about my engagement today. Everyone was very nice about it. My superviser got married not too long ago and was especially happy to share her wedding know-how. The reporter that sits next to me, Jay, even asked to see my ring. He said, "So sparkley!" My ring is actually too big for my finger and falls to the side all the time. Must get to that and also promise myself to get it cleaned every six months so that my lifetime warrantly will be valid.

I've never owned any fine jewelry. I would have never worn something this nice in Argentina or Mexico. Call me paranoid but I don't want to give anyone a reason to rob me. Women wear bling all the time. It needs some getting used to. I stare at the ring a lot. My first diamond! What a man. What good taste. I love him.

Other good news... I spoke with my boss yesterday and he said I was being considered for a permanent position. It might happen but he wasn't guaranteeing anything. The worst thing is that the position will most likely require a Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday. Yikes. That sounds awful. I won't poo-poo it until a) I am offered the job, b) I see the salary, and c) I can commit to a crazy schedule. We'll see. The good news is that they like me enough to consider me for full-time work. I wasn't sure that was the case and now have to put my best foot forward in January for the new owners of the paper. I can also keep looking for positions elsewhere. Yay to 2010! Ass-kicking time.

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