Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Writing on the Wall

The writing is on the wall: the Hollywood Reporter is not looking to hire me. Yes, they are keeping me on through May but there's talk about hiring other temps and not having the budget for anyone at my level. There is a temp position opening in May for an online editor so if you know anyone with this kind of experience, let me know.

I've had a nice week. Yesterday I picked up a pair of Prada slacks for $40 at my favorite designer resale store. Didn't even have to hem them! They were made for me. Stopped by the store on my way to dinner at El Cholo in Santa Monica. Was meeting a bunch of ladies for a little catch up. Great group of gals and afterwards, Annie Harrington Orci said she had a bunch of clothes she was giving to charity in her trunk. Three of us pounced on her stuff and I walked away with two nice work tops, a pair of J. Crew shorts, workout pants, and a heating pad. Awesome! I even wore my new slacks and one of Annie's blouses to work today.

The bad news this week is that our nextdoor neighbor Michael was in a terrible dirt biking accident and is near death. He has a broken pelvis, broken legs and broken ankles but came out of his coma yesterday. Doesn't remember anything that happened to him. Poor thing! He is a good guy and is super duper helpful and nice to my mother. Maybe two weeks ago, he picked up a dead cat from our backyard for my mom. And he hooked us up with free Internet pirated off of his line. Terrible what happened to him but he is alive and beating doctors' expectations as we speak.

Life is short. Please enjoy it.

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