Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Miracle of Technological Miracles

Miracle of technological miracles -- my mom's computer and my computer are both online, and we're not stealing our Internet connection from the neighbors either! It took me two hours to install, uninstall, install, and uninstall the blasted AT&T high speed caca, but I finally got it to work.

There are so many passwords and things to remember when signing up for a new account. No wonder my mom had me do it for her. "Who's your favorite singer?" "What's your first pet's name?" "Where was your last vacation?" "Tampons or maxi pads?" Each question meant a separate trip from our home office to the utility room where my mom was watching TV. "Mom. What are the last four digits of your Social Security number? What do you want your umpteenth password to be?"

My snafu had something to do with something not recognizing my modem's sign-in. "Please enter your AT&T login and password." "Uh, is that the login I just created 15 minutes ago or is it one of her other logins?"

I made it to the final page of the installation four times before the modem recognized itself (or whatever the hold up was.) Whew! And here I told my mom it'd be easy. I hope installing Office software goes more smoothly tomorrow.

Getting my wireless connection going was much more simple. Search for wireless networks, punch in a couple of numbers and bam! I'm working from the dining room instead of the office (the only place I could pick up our neighbors' wireless signal.) The coming days will determine whether or not I can get the signal from across the house or from the backyard.

There is still a printer to hook up, wires to untangle, a fax machine to figure out, and boxes to clean-up but I am going to bed satisfied that we are finally online and high-speed passengers on this Internet train.

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